Friday, November 5, 2010

To my Almost 2 year old....

Right before we left the hospital (we did tighten your straps so don't worry

Just a picture of you that I loved. You were staring at me and just "talking away"
My favorite picture of you and your big brother at EasterYour 1st birthday. Poor thing. You were so not feeling well :(
And this is the latest of you

To my dearest almost 2 year old,
I apologize for not doing this on your birthday, but I didn't know if I would get the chance, so better early than late, I always say. What can I say to you on as you get ready to turn 2? I simply cannot believe it has been almost 2 years! Everyone tells you before you become a parent that the time will fly, but I didn't believe them. But it is so true. When I look back at the pictures of you as a newborn, I feel like it was just yesterday. I have to be honest. The first 6 weeks didn't seem to go by fast since you had some issues with colic, but now that I look back, it really wasn't that long. You definitely have kept us on your toes little one! Everything Troy did/liked, you did the opposite, so it has been a learning experience but a wonderful experience of course. It's been so much fun watching you learn, discover, explore, try to keep up with your big brother, and develop your own personality! You, my dear, are the comedien of the family. I cannot wait to see what you do or say next because you certainly make us laugh and shake our heads at what you come up with. We have said it plenty--you are Pop Pop. You look like him and Lord knows you act like him so I know that the future will be interesting. Full of fun, mischief and love! We love you little buddy and hope you have a wonderful 2nd birthday!

1 comment:

  1. awww this almost made me weepy! Beautiful! And he such a cute little man at that!
