Sometimes I hesitate to brag. Other times, I just can't help myself. Today is the latter! I have actually thought about writing about this for a bit, but I just haven't. Mainly because I don't want to me THAT mom constantly bragging about her children. But honestly, what's wrong with it? It's good to be proud of your children and share that with the world, so whoever doesn't want to "hear" it, then just stop reading ;)
Anyway, I just am amazed daily at how sweet and kind Troy is. I can only hope that this continues. I am told almost daily what a wonderful, sweet boy he is and I often hear what a wonderful big brother he is and it's all true. Yes, I have moments where I get angry and frustrated with him, but they are truly far and few between. As many issues as we have had with shyness, there is one area that this has never been a problem and that is with babies. He has ALWAYS loved babies and they have always loved him. I can't think of a baby that we have been around that hasn't enjoyed being around Troy and it's just the sweetest thing to watch. He's so kind and gentle and patient. It's hard to believe that he's only 5 years old! As to being the best big brother? Here's an example. Today we were at a moonbounce place that had a candy machine (you know, the claw ones) and he won a few pieces of candy, including a big Tootsie Roll (his absolute favorite thing). I told him he had to share so he broke it in half and gave Will the bigger piece! Without being told. Sometimes he acts more like a parent to Will and that drives me batty, but for the most part, he is very conscious of Will and including him in everything he does. He helps him open things, gets things out of Will's reach, gets him ice when he's upset....all without being told. It's just amazing and I am so very proud of what a wonderful child he is ♥♥ Okay, brag over!
Troy and my nephew
Driving Will around
Loving on Will
He was ALWAYS asking to hold him♥
He loves pushing Will in the swing
With our newest cousin!
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