Sunday, July 31, 2011

Random Questions Part II

So I asked a bunch in Random Questions and I Mean Totally Random but I have a few more.
1) Why do batteries on toys always seem to die at the same time? I have like 4-5 toys sitting there waiting for me to change them.
2) Why is it that when I work really hard to teach the boys something and Jay comes along and they do it in minutes, he gets ALL the credit? I mean, didn't I help by preparing them for weeks, even months?
3) Why is it that when Daddy is home in the AM, the boys tiptoe around and let him sleep, but when he's at work, they burst in my room at any given time, turn on the light and Will yells, "IS THE KITCHEN OPEN?" (By the way, the answer is no, the kitchen doesn't open until 7)
4) Why don't people respect others opinions and views anymore? I have seen a lot of "fighting" lately and I don't understand why people can't agree to disagree.
5) Am I the only person who has never read or seen a Harry Potter? (and please don't throw things at me for admitting this)
6) Will the temperatures ever be pleasant again?
7) My boys love Caillou. I do not. I would if someone can answer this question: Will the makers of Caillou PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE get a different voice for that whiny kid?
8) Please tell me that Friday Night Lights is really coming back next season? (Yes, I am still upset about this)
9) Is it wrong that right now I don't feel the least bit upset that Troy is going to Kindergarten this year? I know I will miss him, but I am so excited for him and what he's going to be learning/doing.
10) Is it bad that I am excited about Troy opting to do Tae Kwan Do so that I can live vicariously through him?

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Ahhhh Vacation!

I am not going to lie. I had no desire to come home from vacation. Not one little tiny bit. Usually, I am very ready to come home and get back to a normal routine. I miss my family, my home, my dog, my friends....and I did. But there is something about the Thousand Islands that just draws you in and you just long to sit there on the water and watch the sunset or just watch the boats go by. The boys had a blast as well, Jay included. I know that when the boys are older, they will spend much more than a week up there. Yep, I can totally see school ending and Troy, especially, packing and saying, "See ya Mom" and just heading up to spend his summers working for Uncle Shawn and Aunt Karen to come home just in time for the next school year to start. They already talked about it and he's only 5 and was ready to do it this time around! IF I stayed with him of course, but I know those days are numbered.
Anyway, we are home and getting back to a routine and totally missing the Islands. We are missing the family we get to visit up there and just wish that we were all closer! But since we aren't, we just have to appreciate the time that we spend with them when we do get together. And man, do we appreciate it and enjoy it!
What is NOT to love about this. So peaceful!
Gorgeous Views....
Fun with family....
Scenic boat rides.....
Okay, the drive is a little long, but we'll deal :)
As you can tell, he was NOT happy

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Year Round Schooling

Let me start by saying I adore my children. I love them more than anything and I totally enjoy doing fun things with them. I don't want anyone to think that I am saying I don't want to be around them. However, I am starting to think that Year Round Schooling isn't such a bad idea. Since Troy has been out of preschool, I have noticed a huge change in him. He torments and tortures Will, complains about being bored, refuses to listen and challenges me every chance he gets. He has his very sweet moments and still can be a very kind and easy going child, but these are coming much less often. I wondered if it was the fact that Jay's much busier at work so he's home less during the week, but after talking to my Mom about it, she mentioned that this is a typical summer. Kids get bored, they are thrown out of their routines and just simply act out. Yep, that's exactly what it seems like so I try to do fun things but we can't do stuff everyday. I simply have to be home to get things done here and plus, it's stinkin' expensive to entertain kids anymore. That's a whole different post though as I could go on for ages about the costs anymore! So basically, I am finding out if we stay at home, I am simply playing referee and honestly, I am a little tired of it. Sure, I let the boys work out what they can, but there are MANY times I have to step in and put them each in their corners. Yep, year round schooling might be a fantabulous idea.

Thursday, July 7, 2011


I am sure mothers (and fathers) around the world hear this often during the summer-- "I'm Bored! There's Nothing To Do!" Really??? Shall we take a look.....

The boys "garage" and "Fire Station" as well as bins of cars and random toys
More trucks, helicopters, balls, books....
Games and art supplies, puzzles (and just junk)
The beloved train table (that also has drawers full of toys)
And the toy store that exploded in our garage
Will's bookshelf with tons of books and puzzles
Troy's book shelf--also tons to read and do
And in the basement, even more stuff to do and watch
You can even find stuff to do in the kitchen!
And last but not least, the "Toy Closet"
Please explain to me how kids can be bored with ALL OF THIS STUFF!!! And that isn't even everything we have. I know what some of you are thinking. "Maybe if you didn't have sooooo much stuff...." and I have to agree, but this is after we weeded out a bunch of toys after Christmas and Easter and sold them! ACK! I also know that many of you are thinking "Wow, she really has no organizational skills at all" and again, I agree 100%. So any tips you may have on how to better organize this wonderful "stuff" are welcome and much appreciated. That is besides the obvious just get rid of it. Trust me, that's crossed my mind....

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Help Make a Wish Come True!

There is a little girl named Peyton who is battling cancer. It is considered terminal at this point in time and she is only 2 1/2 years old. Make A Wish does not grant wishes for children under 3 so there is a Facebook Group started to help raise money so that she can have her dream come true. Some very amazing women started this journey Peyton and the Princesses and have gotten much support, but so much more is needed. They aren't asking for much, even just $5, since that will add up and can allow Peyton and her family to enjoy a family vacation to Disney. So if you can help, there is a Paypal account set up that you can send money directly to the cause and please join the group to see the progress made. You will be amazed at the generosity of people! To donate, the address is

On this Independence Day....

Please remember all of those who are currently in the service, who have served and those who have lost their lives serving our country. The sacrifices that the military make for us are amazing and very much appreciated. It is so easy to get lost in the "fun" of the day that we forget why we take this day to celebrate. So be sure to thank a soldier today!
A special note to my brother in law--
I cannot say it enough that although this year has been so very tough on everyone, what you do for our country is amazing and makes all of us so proud. It's amazing to see how your children look at you with awe in their eyes! I am even happier to say WELCOME HOME!!!!