Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Words every mother wants to hear

I love you? Mama? Dada? Are these the words that every mother wants to hear? Of course! These words mean so much. The minute your child begins to talk, it's amazing. You start obsessing and trying to get them to say everything! "I love you" is something you cannot wait to hear from your boyfriend or girlfriend and especially your child. It can mean so much and bring tears to your eyes when you finally hear it. Nothing is cuter than hearing that little voice say "Wub you" ♥ Yes, there are so many words that have such a special meaning to a mother. Today, I heard words that I truly thought I would never hear and I about fell out in the floor (which would have been a disaster with a catheter, I might add). I almost asked them to be repeated over and over because I thought they would never be said:
"I don't do enough around here. There's stuff ALL.DAY.LONG"
Halleluia! Can I get an AMEN!

Yes, throughout this ordeal with surgery gone awry, Mr. Mom has finally realized what all is involved with being a stay at home parent. He's always thanked me for all I do, but truly had NO idea until being a SAHD for almost a week. I admit, I was actually afraid it would backfire and Jay would be saying "This isn't so hard so why are you so tired" or "Why can't you do it all?" but luckily, that is not the case and those words were beautiful, soooooo very beautiful. It almost makes all this pain, suffering worthwhile. Well, not really, but still, good to hear!

1 comment:

  1. haha. You do a lot, it is good that he sees how much there is to being a SAHP. I hope you feel better soon!!
