I was talking with a friend the other day and she isn't married and right now, has no desire to have kids. She loves being around them, but really likes being able to say goodbye to them also. She's young so this may change, but that's not really the point of this blog?? Sorry, I get a little sidetracked these days. Anyway, we were talking about life with kids. She was laughing at me and another mom because we were struggling at a party dealing with our kids. They were doing the usual getting into things, playing/wrestling, trying to get to things they shouldn't have....you know, what we deal with on a regular basis. I forget even how it started, but we started laughing about life before kids. Here are some of the things we couldn't figure out....
1) How was I ever late to anything? I mean, I only had to get one person ready and didn't have to deal with diaper bags, snacks, drinks....
2) Why was my house EVER messy? There were no toys, sippy cups, movies thrown on the floor...
3) Why did I not travel more? It was so easy?
4) How did I ever forget anything? I mean I had nothing else to worry about?
I didn't realize how EASY my life was (key word is MY because I know other people have their struggles without kids) before I had kids. Sure, it was boring, but EASY. Would I change it.....Not a chance. Not with these two to play with everyday!!!
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