Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Ode to June...

June! Yes June is finally here. What does June mean? Schools are out, which means my sister is out (soon) and I will get to spend a lot more time with her. This means trips to the pool, lots of playtime with our kids, visits to the Sno Shack, someone to sip homemade limeade with, ....I love it when she's off because I have a buddy to hang with. Unfortunately, this also means I procrastinate a lot more and avoid the yucky household chores.

June means lots of pool time--which is fun and nervewracking at the same time. It's a blast, but getting ready for the pool is insane anymore--towels, sunscreen, bathing suits, swim diapers, floats, water wings, life vests, watching Will like a hawk because he seems to think he can do whatever Troy can...WHEW! I am exhausted thinking about it!

June means HOT HOT HOT! This I like, mainly because we have a pool close by. It just means lots of AM outside time and lots of afternoons in with the AC or finding things to do. No complaining there because I much prefer hot to the cold any day.

June means Father's Day. This is bittersweet. I love doing something for my husband from the kids. It's so much fun trying to come up with ways to surprise him, but at the same time, it's really hard for me since my Dad passed away. As excited as I can get, I get depressed about the same amount.

June means we're one month closer to our vacation! Troy has already been asking how much longer and being able to say "Next month" is awesome for him and us!

Unfortunately, this year June means saying farewell to my brother in law who's about to be deployed as I have talked about in previous posts. We don't know the exact date, but know it's coming soon. This means that as much fun as June can be, we have this sadness hanging over us. Our family and his will join together and help my sister and her children to make this as easy as possible, but we know it will be a difficult year.
So June--I am so happy you have arrived, but at the same time, we've been dreading you...

1 comment:

  1. great post Val! I pray for your BIL. I have my closest friend (more like sister then friend) that is in afghanastan right now. She has a 3 1/2 year old little girl that is with her mom. I can't imagine missing out on a year of my child's life.
    Prayers of peace with your dad
